The Kercheval Car-Seat Key Chain
The "Kercheval" is our sturdy leather key chain made by hand in Detroit by US Veterans and Detroiters using durable and brand new car seat leather upcycled/reclaimed by the Detroit auto industry.
Each key chain comes with a maker tag with the name and picture of the veteran or Detroiter who made it. Consider giving the gift of impact to someone you care about!
Hardware: Nickel rivet and key ring
Material & Color: Upcycled leather in automotive grade in black. Black Italian edge paint for added durability
Dimensions: approx. 2.5” x 1.75”assembled
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Why the Name Kercheval? We named this key chain to pay tribute to a number of members of the Kercheval family who made a positive impact on those living in Detroit. Benjamin Kercheval (1793-1855), was an American officer in the War of 1812. His daughter, Mary Kercheval, married Moses W. Field, who operated the Detroit Glass Works and the Detroit Hoop Manufacturing company. In tandem with her husband, they were instrumental in establishing the Michigan State Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and helped create state laws relating to the humane treatment of animals. They helped establish an art museum in Detroit, and pushed to establish public drinking fountains in Detroit in 1871.
So bring a piece of impact and history wherever you go, with the Kercheval Key Chain by Pingree Detroit.